Hydrangea Scented Candles | Ultrasonic Diffuser Oil Scent

First Bloom – Hydrangea

When Spring arrives, so does an early bloomer. It starts with big, bold leaves that reach for the sun to create a shady garden. Then those beautiful puff balls start to grow. Depending on the acidity or alkaline value of the soil, they range from pink to blue, sometimes white to chartreuse. And puff they do, with lacecaps growing fuller with abundant blossoms and the unmistakable scent, somewhat like jasmine, somewhat like iris. While the aroma is subtle those pom pom flowers are anything but.
Hydrangea is named from the Greek words for water (hydros) and jar (angos) – a water pitcher. They love moisture and require a lot to bloom abundantly. Different cultures assign meanings, from unity and togetherness to understanding and sincerity.
We love the scent and made it the star of No. 57 Hydrangea Lilac. Our customers seem to love it also, giving our ultrasonic diffuser oil a five star review. We also use hydrangea to fragrance our Bouquet Scented Candles.
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